Due to the increasing "campaigning" I have seen for this role, I was suggested to redirect the nytechvision.com to this post, but support the NYTM Manifesto link and ask for your feedback.
If you'd like to help in defining the future of NYTech Meetup and want to contribute to the NYTM Manifesto, please send me an email at sdickert at google's service.
Who Is Sanford?
My background ranges from Silicon Valley (from 1989 to 2000) to London (2000 to 2004) to DC (2003 to 2004) and New York (2004+) working in the technology arena - in startups (eGroups, gigabeat, Paypal, hotrecruit) to large corps (Accenture, Interoute) to politics (John Kerry for President) to NGOs/Academia (Stanford, Cooper Union, Purdue).
I have been behind a number of organizations all through out the years - focusing on the growth and improving the performance of the organizations - whether for corporates or communities. One I brought over from London was Decom - which you can see the details here.
My measure of success in creating and building organizations is always measured by the growth of the community - and the people within the community that I have helped improve over time. Being a teacher for more than twenty years (I started teaching when I was 14!) has aligned with the joy I feel in bringing about amazing people.
One unique thing I believe I have is that I am beholden to no organization, person or benefactor other than the NY Tech Community and the team I am with. Our success in NYTM and the NY Tech Community as a whole will be something that all of us are part of - and all of the benefits will be directed to the community at-large.
- Sanford Dickert - personal website for business
- Who’sAtCooBric: Sanford Dickert - Interview by Alex Linskler
- Contributing to New York Coworking and New Work City - a discussion about coworking and altruism
I don't usually ask for "endorsements", but recently, Tony Bacigalupo - a friend from cooBric and New Work City put this in his personal blog:
Sanford Dickert is a good friend, and his influence on coworking in NYC speaks to his ability to facilitate healthy growth by empowering people. New Work City and I are living proof that Sanford can positively influence a community while simultaneously staying away from monopolizing it so it can grow healthily on its own. He gave me what I needed to build what is, in my opinion, a kickass community that is going to continue to do a lot of cool stuff.If you'd like to show your support for my candidacy in bringing about a stronger NY Tech Community - please comment below. Please: tell why you support either me or other people - the blog is available for the conversation - I am here to listen. And others are watching.
After Scott’s announcement, Sanford also did something commendable: he built a public manifesto, to be edited by anyone, and invited everyone to share their perspective. This is the kind of approach the organizer should take when running the whole Meetup.
Sanford is a busy guy, but so should everyone who is running for this position be— would we want to elect someone who had nothing else to do? What makes his candidacy intriguing is his penchant for delegation and for empowering the right people to take responsibility and do what they are best at. The organizer is going to have to pay their bills doing something else, so it will be critical that the organizer be comfortable delegating.
See it here: http://bit.ly/nytmm
The Manifesto is about bringing talent together to manage, maintain and grow the team of the NYTM such that we can see targeted content when need be, work with other groups and constituencies when possible - but never take our eyes off the ball in bringing quality content and events to the NYTM.
Basic platform
I believe the NYTM is fundamentally well-done and has a lot of positives. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there are few changes I would make. But the three fundamental metrics for the NYTM are presentation, education and collaboration. You can see these discussed in detail at the NYTM Manifesto (http://bit.ly/nytmm).
The future of the NY Tech Community is where I think the role has some influence - in so much as working with the community at large - both the 7500+ members, as well as the overwhelming number of people in the Tech Community found in other groups - this is where NYTM can help channel and elevate the NY Tech Community.
One major part of this platform is the vision of working together. As I mentioned in the presentation - there are a host of people looking to help grow this community - nine of them took the stage on Tuesday night.
If I am elected to the position, there is no way I will turn away the candidates from the stage to join me in building NYTM. The NYTM Manifesto describes a "council of Presidents" or an Executive Board - of which I believe the people within the community will fill and serve. I am fully behind making this happen - and working with all members of the community to make a stronger NY Tech Community.
You can see my vision presentation here: http://tinyurl.com/6qwyvf
You can see the video presentation here or watch Allen's below:
Prior Experience
- Co-organizer of cooperBricolage
- Co-organizer of New Work City
- former Adjunct Professor, Cooper Union and Polytechnic
- Director, Rawlings Atlantic Ltd and Inc.
- CTO, John Kerry Campaign
- Director of Product Marketing, eGroups (acquired by Yahoo!)
- Board of Advisors, Paypal
- Board of Directors, eZoka and SelectivesUK
And thanks for your support! Please feel free to add any endorsements in the comments.
The NY tech community should be so luck as to have Sanford lead. He is brilliant, very hard-working, and has extensive directly-relevant experience, besides being one of the most connected people around.
He gets my enthusiastic endorsement.
Sanford is the man with the Passion for .......Not just Tech, but PEOPLE!
He'll pour his heart out for us!
Sanford has the experience and the vision thing going on BIG TIME -
I worked with him on the John Kerry campaign in '04 - This guy is the real deal
Personable - Check
Professional - Check
Organized - Check
Great Speaker - Check
What else is there? - He is our MAN!!!
He has the charisma we need in this position, and he gets things done, what more can we ask for.
Sanford has the unbelievable gift of making his coworkers better. He'd do great things for the NY Tech community.
Sanford embodies what we need to take the NYTech organization to the next level. He has experience not only with technology, but also in the political, academic, entrepreneurial and legal worlds. I think we need someone with his vision, energy and personality to lead this community to the next level.
I support Sanford for moderator. Everytime I have spent time with Sanford I have met someone new in the tech community. He is a connector like no other. He gets tech and is excited about it, not just for profit sake, but for tech sake.
Thanks for providing all of this information, Sanford. It helps me make an informed decision in this election. I appreciate your willingness to take on additional responsibility of leading this group.
Sanford is fantastic! He is always present and supportive of wide range events and organizations in the NY tech community. In particular, Sanford really promotes inclusion and respects a variety of opinions. He would be fantastic as NY Tech Meetup Organizer.
Ken, Paddy, Chip, Nathan, Volker, Liz, Charles, Andrew, Evan - thanks for your support. Sincerely.
Sanford is one of those people that will get you excited and energized within the first 5 minutes of talking with him - and he knows his stuff.
He's got experience to draw from and a passion for mobilizing the broader NYC tech community beyond meetups / events.
He's got my vote.
I know Sanford from around the year 2000 when we both lived in Silicon Valley. Throughout the years I have seen him grow into a great entrepreneur. He is a bright person with a solid background in technology and in social networking. He is the kind of guy that can make things happen. The combination of his experience with numerous start ups and his great energy and passion for the NY Tech community make him a great candidate. Best of luck!
In a word, yes! I could go on but I would simply be repeating what everybody has already said. My only question: when is the first meetup hosted by Sanford?
haha you lost!
Depends on how you look at it...
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