Tuesday, October 19

Liveblogging The New Rule of Engagement at PIVOT

People powered participation

Participatory web requires need new thinking.

We are weaving a new global brain. visualcomplexity.com

Death of the Grand Gesture. How do companies

You build authentic networks BEFORE you need them. Example TEDxVolcano

Tummler - someone who catalyzes others to action. Hired to bring the community to life. Check out tummlervision.com

Marketing lives in every department and is responsible for the customer advocacy.

Sam Decker: CMO, Bazaarvoice - listening and observing.
Three ideas to Avoid a Slimecano - @samdecker, @bazaarvoice.
How do you get the entire team to engage?
Reputation economy blurs the lines. No longer a funnel - a wild interaction between all of the groups. People, Publishers, Manufacturer and Retailer.

Customer Oxygen - makes the customer voice pervasive in every function every day.
Participation chain - turns engagement into value
Customer writes a review, then asks and answers questions, then writes a story about a brand - along this path they are generating content which then drives people to buy for you.

Change the thought - change it to be about squeezing participation, not

Social Commerce Rockstars increase participation and use content throughout the business.

Social Commerce Rockstar maturity curve - content and data usage - participation strategies. Move from Karaoke Star - along content, becomes a One Hit Wonder, along participation, Garage Band - best to move to Rockstar.

Tells a story of Land of Nod tables - and how they went directly to the bad reviewers and gave them replacements and letter.

Wendy Lea, CEO, Get Satisfaction - how to observe and get your customers to connect to each other.

Get Satisfaction is in the business of community love.

"Marketing is the New Customer Service" - but Scott Wax says "Customer Service should be the new Marketing"

Peter Merholtz - Adaptive Path
Engage - building in Experience from the Start
Designing from the Outside In - demonstrates ClearRx and how it came to be.

Points out the appropriate way to deliver experiences:
  • Systems
  • Procedures
  • Touchpoints
  • Interactions
  • Experiences
Building from the Inside Out - from what they had to the next iteration. Whereas Target using the ClearRX experience is going from the Outside In. What is the desired experience and the tangible vision.

Importance of getting all of the people at the table as soon as possible. Must draw widely from cross-functional teams. Design can be an activity that an organization embraces that everyone can be involved in. Use design to make tangible the early ideas.

An experience mindset requires honest empathy. Hardest thing most organization can deal with.

At worst, a gullet is the number one: a customer is one who gulps crap and craps cash.
Sheep - Docile and gullible, stories and messaging with preferences!
Homo economicus - highly rations, maximizes utility, quantity
Robot - task oriented, goal driven, efficiency

Empathy is the combination of emotional, intellectual and functional.

An experience mindset means nothing stands alone - systems basis: continuous improvement

Discusses United Airlines - empower the employees to do what is right for the employees.

Customer Experience is not something that an organization buys, it is a mindset the organization adopts.

Taking Your Lumps - Social Smack
Social Smack is doing for brands is the same as foursquare for locations. What is the consumer sentiment? What message is being sent though the social network.

Humanization of this brand.

This is the era of InSourcing - can not outsource passion. Brands need to engage the consumers - embrace the negative, humanize the brand

Deb: need to have awareness of the relationship with the customer - you can fight and make up - letting go of control.

Michelle Benat - CEO of RumbaFish (social commerce platform) - speed, reach and impact of these campaigns
Social Media analytics: Broadway style

Think of the Mary Poppins song for each one:
  • Listening and Engagement - go fly a kite with them.
  • Focus on Outcomes you Understand - talk about things that are real to you.
  • Measure what Matters to You
  • Influence That - discounts/deals and loyalty - that you value them - and that they are unique

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