Saul Griffith
Shows a high-powered hydrofoil on the SF Bay. Then begins to discuss about kites.In the 1970's - how to use crosswind kite power.
In 2007 - now have an energy crisis and a climate crisis. In the next 30-40 years, need to make 10 Trillion Watts for the rest.
Energy can be found in the higher-level troposphere - and they can capture the wind power using a robotic control system to generate the energy. Kites fly around 2K feet - will arrive in time and/or money. If next funding round comes about, will have these running in 2 years.
Seth Godin
Intros us to large sports mascots group. Then intros us to the balloon animals - asks: do we know what we are doing?Process of creating changes - telling us stories:
- Nathan and the founding of the SF ASPCA - set out to create a no-kill animal city. Nathan connected with the community (not the professionals) and created the first successful no-kill city. Then Nathan kept going to places and kept building no-kill cities.
Talking the stages:
- Factories - need ever cheaper labor, and ever faster machines
- TV - need push, push, push - tell enough people you can make people buy - requires the people on TV to act like the king. You are in charge - mass marketing. Requires average ideas and plenty of ADs.
- Tribes are what we are in now - people connect and leading. Tribes are everywhere. Created now silos of interests.
Shows us Steve Jobs and Bill Gates - both created a different way of navigating technology.
Beatles did not invent teenagers - they just connected with them. When the Meatrix came out - she was not inventing the idea of veganism, she helped organizing it. All of these people are heritics - see the status-quo and I do not agreed with it.
Telling a story, connecting a tribe,
- Who are you upsetting? If you are not upsetting someone, you are not challenging the status quo.
- Who are you connecting? People want to connect.
- Who are you leading?
You do not need permission to lead people - we are wating for YOU to lead.
- Challenge the status quo
- Create a culture
- Curiosity - have curiosity in people
- Connect people to others - they wnat to be missed when they are gone
- Charisma - being a leader gives you charisma
- They commit to the cause and the tribe
Tom O'Reilly on the TED Fellows
Jake Eberts on "Oceans"
Insanely amazing video presentation - when it comes out as a documentary - this will impact us as much as "The Inconvenient Truth".Very tired from the blogging all afternoon - taking a break and enjoying listening and watching.
If you have any questions - please check with the TED Blog.
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