Mike Levin - HitTail

Effective search engine optimization - add a snippet of code and increases the number of search hits. Extract keywords showing you the performance of keywords.
Hit Suggestions: writing suggestion - patent-pending algorithm. Gives you ideas for the content for your site to increase your performance. Positive feedback cycle. Really good for bloggers - works in real time... As a NYTechMeetup - they offered a discount key (send email for it) to get the main service for $49.95, $50 off!
Jason and Jon from Confabb

34000 entries for conferences, 4K per month added. Social networking tools for conferences - gives people a way to reconnect with people. Feeds from social media (YouTube, flickr, etc) and a reputation management system. Also offer conference website hosting. Great for speakers to manage their reputation - good search engine marketing/optimization. Started by Salim Ismail and Cameron Barrett.
The vision is the "hallway conversations" - Confabb provides a legacy for the previous conferences for people to find and benefit from.
Ken from DietTelevision

Founder of BlueFly - solving a real thing for real people. Americans washed down 53 gallons of soda EACH every year. Video is free, wisdom of crowds, individuals share their knowledge.
Voice recognition is not working right now - helps in the selections.
Learn It Section: Discovered is that the more restrictive the diet is , the easier it is to lose it. Allows you to select your best diet - with the wisdom (gets people's information and shares it as user-generated content). Sample menu, nutritionist ratings, etcera.
Lose It Section: friends, tracking, etcetera. You can call in your menus from where you are - then later confirm it - and help with the voice recognition - to allow you to track your food and help you lose weight. Make it very simple. Make the complicated stuff easy - long to do, finally getting there.
Inventive stuff - though it is called television.
Jon from ParkWhiz

Gives a listing of parking spots all over a location. Can enable a reservation system and reserve your parking in the city. Can simply offer attendants the printed receipt and allow them to reserve their spaces.
Why would an owner want this? Because when the owner has empty spots - losing money. Can have a premium service as well. Removes cash liability by allowing for credit payment. eBay for Parking - you could rent out your driveway for games. API coming soon - so people can link via widget and other services. Focusing on event parking and monthly parking. Also offers a mobile app at the website.
Shout out to Wilson-Sonsini and DFJ Gotham - and welcomes Tim Draper from DFJ in the Valley.
Danny and Raj from UpNext

A better way of doing "local search" using three dimensional maps for various locations - specifically working on Manhattan at the moment (not available to other cities yet, but is easy to make it work). Smooth - stylistic site - textures can be changed easily. Different events based on textures of the City - built from the ground up.
Want to connect with content providers for Manhattan - can search various locations. Great aspect with the transportation medallions. Working for a community - social networking/profile tools. Can see friend's favorites and reviews - allows people to see the city. Launched the site three hours ago. (Ed Note: I met these guys back in Sept when they had their first prototype, and had very nice presentation back then at Columbia University).
Think about make it into a connection for other apps with the Java application they have made. Would like to work with someone in the mobile space.
Jinesh from Amazon Web Services

Evangelists from Amazon - some of the infrastructure as a service - Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). EC2 is a "utility service" at $0.10 per instance hour with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) as the drive of the virtualized machine.
Pay-for-use - and allows for scaling of applications to allow for additional services.
Uses "sensors" and creates instances when needed (CPU utilization, Heap Size, load/TCP connections, in-memory usage, etcetera)
Couple of people using the service - PowerSet (semantic search engine in CA), PhanFare (using TB of storage through S3 for their service)

Will S3 allow for block access (for databases)? Difficult to do mySQL. Since it is a virtualized system, very difficult, but there are work-arounds (Jinesh can explain).
Grand fanale: Will from MeetUp
(who developed doublefeaturefinder.com)
Question Party www.questionparty.com
"If I have to explain QuestionParty, then you can not use QuestionParty." - Will
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